Tuesday, March 5, 2013

HiFi You-Hate u

Here is to you "Born with silver spoon" specimen. Oh ya.. You were lucky to be flooded with all your necessities and ever flowing baubles. I know how life would have been for you. Pampered Childhood, posh school life, A degree for a name sake(Definitely for the richest school in your locality), Never-ending party life and above all the non stop flow of cash from your hard working parents.  Wow!!! Utopian Dream!!

A Dream? My Foot!! Not even in my dream would I want to be like you. You lack the basic essence of living called the - "Fight for what you want" fire in you. You have always got what you wanted exactly when you ask for it. You never know the joy of waiting patiently, dedicating completely and making every single dream of yours come true. That is a joy that makes us humans strong. That is the joy what makes our living worthwhile. You would never experience it. 

Replacement is your fashion. Holding onto whats ours is our wealth. We know the value of things and relationships which you wouldn't have heard about. Broken things would make us repair it and not throw it off. Only good thing about you is that you have a impartial character of throwing away everything around you, which includes every little thing and relationships(Oh yes!! Definitely. Its just your trend.. ). Nothing matters to you since you have money. Wish every one of you "HiFi's" should be made to live the rest of your lives with just money and not a single person to love or care for you. Maybe then you would realize what you need the most in your life. 

Never Wiggle your money when you deal with us, because we would never fall for you or your money. We have the courage and the wisdom to stand on our own legs(Which is next to impossible for you!!) and hence any amount of money would just be shoved back onto your face. 

Try living at least one day like us and you would know the joy of living!!

PS-This post is for you ruthless humans, who thinks you can get anything with your money and get rid of anything with the same. 

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