Friday, July 6, 2012

Time is running out

Every day I wake up with only one thought – “Enjoy today to the fullest, time is running out”. No!! I am not deceased and I don't foresee any disaster (Well!!! Uncertainty can definitely play its role). This feeling of “Missing-Ness” keeps shouting loud and clear into my ears. It’s called the Payback time.
In pursuit of my ambition, it was MY decision to go overseas. It took me a whole year to plan for my Studies. Now that everything is set and the time is soon arriving for me to leave, this feeling of missing everything is eating me up. Will this feeling vanish????
Days never get freed. Office, Shopping, Medical checkups, Meeting friends –the time keeps rolling. In spite of the day filled with every other activity, a moment of silence makes me feel very nostalgic.
Every day spent with my mom, every ride in my bike, every food that I eat, every friend I get to meet increases my longing to turn back from my ambition. The thought of leaving the surrounding I have known from my birth is swallowing me.
Will this feeling pass away??? Will my new surrounding entice me with this feeling of Home???? Hope I get to find answers for my question soon L